1. Snap Crackle Pop (Kellogg's Rice Krispies)
2. I'm A Chiquita Banana (Chiquita Bananas)
3. Choo Choo Charlie (Good & Plenty)
4. If You Like Fluff, Fluff, Fluff (Marshmallow Fluff)
5. Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut (Mounds & Almond Joy Candy Bars)
6. There's Nothing Like The Face (Hershey's Chocolate Bars)
7. Do You Know Exactly How (Oreo Cookies)
8. Candy-Coated Popcorn, Peanuts And A Prize (Cracker Jack)
9. I'd Like To Buy The World A Coke (Coca Cola)
10. It's The Real Thing (Coca Cola)
11. Things Go Better With Coke (Coca Cola)
12. Come Alive (Pepsi)13. Be A Pepper (Dr. Pepper)
14. San Francisco Treat, The (Rice-A-Roni)
15. Dogs Kids Love To Bite, The (Armour Hot Dogs)
16. Fruit Juicy (Hawaiian Punch)
17. I Love Bosco (Bosco)
18. N-E-S-T-L-E-S (Nestle's Quick Chocolate Flavor)
19. It's Slinky (Slinky)
20. Meet The Swinger (Polaroid Swinger)
21. Oh Fab, I'm Glad (Fab Laundry Detergent)
22. Stronger Than Dirt (Ajax)
23. Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean (Mr. Clean All Purpose Cleanser)
24. Use Ajax The Foaming Cleanser (Ajax)
25. My Dog's Better Than Your Dog (Ken-L Ration Dog & Puppy Food)
26. Meow Meow Meow Meow (Meow Mix Cat Food)
27. In The Middle In The Middle In The Middle (NYS Department of Safety) - (PSA)
28. When You Say Bud (Budweiser Beer)
29. Here's To Good Friends (Lowenbrau Beer)
30. If You've Got The Time (Miller High Life Beer)
31. Schaefer Is The One Beer To Have (Schaefer Beer)
32. When You're Out Of Schlitz (Schlitz Beer)
33. Completely Unique Experience, A (Colt 45 Malt Liquor)
34. My Beer Is Rheingold, The Dry Beer (Rheingold Extra Dry Beer)
35. Add A Ring (Ballantine Premium Beer)
36. Hey Get Your Cold Beer (Ballantine Premium Beer)
37. To A Smoker It's A Kent (Kent Cigarettes)
38. Winston Tastes Good (Winston Cigarettes)
39. You Can Take Salem Out Of The Country (Salem Cigarettes)
40. Marlboro Song, The (Theme from Magnificent 7)
41. Like Father Like Son (Health PSA)
42. See The U. S. A. (Chevrolet Motors)
43. Texaco Star Theme (Texaco)
44. Pick One Up and Smoke It Sometime (Muriel Cigars)
45. Hey Big Spender (Muriel Cigars)
46. Little Dab'll Do Ya (Brylcreem)
47. Dippity-Do, Dippity-Do (Dippity Do Styling Gel)
48. Stripper, The (Take It Off) (Nozema Shave Cream)
49. How're You Fixed For Blades (Gillette)
50. Look Sharp March (Gillette)
51. Mariner, The (Old Spice Cologne)
52. Chock Full O'Nuts Is That Heavenly Coffee (Chock Full O'Nuts)
53. Nobody Doesn't Like Sara Lee (Sara Lee)
54. Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz (Alka-Seltzer)55. Shape Your Stomach's In, The (Alka Seltzer)
70mb mp3 @ 192