Sunday, June 17, 2007

Stephen King - The Dark Tower 1-4

Stephen King has recently concluded his masterpiece Dark Tower series with The Dark Tower, bringing new readers to this odyssey.

I The Gunslinger - A bit confusing at times (doesn't seem like a Stephen King book), but in my opinion better than the revised edition. I think it is the perfect beginning for the series.

II The Drawing of the Three - Continuing Roland's 'journey'. This book has little to do with the actual 'quest for the Tower', and the title pretty much sums up the whole book (still an excellent read). This book has a lot of action (much more than book I).

III The Waste Lands - Where the adventure REALLY begins. Now that Roland has 'drawn' his three to form a 'ka-tet', he can truly start on his quest. A very descriptive book, The Waste Lands takes you to a variety of environments and situations, which is why this is one of my favorite books. The ending is a big cliffhanger.

IV Wizard and Glass - Roland and his ka-tet continue on their journey.


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